Saturday 12 December 2009

Comedy Night + ModosaurJura

Comedy Night Was Fun Filled, With Hilarious Jokes! Without Futher Ado, Here are the Winners:

1st place joke tellers: Hornstrkier and Tall

2nd place joke tellers: Benwolf, Mellybten and HaleyN


Also ModosaurJura Has Appeared! There's one thing thought. Jura is New, She is using this old Modosaur Account Because Hers is not Ready Yet... I wonder what her name will be.... Lol i have a few Suggestions in mind.


  1. Monster_man1:20 am

    Jura isn't new. Jura is actually SusieQ. She goes on the Jura account because her SusieQ was glitchy.


  2. as ur bussy voltz is back! our blog is restarted and our systems are under construction! we have now got a bloggin expierience better then before and we decide to make the offical release 1-1-2010

