Tuesday 15 September 2009

pro meeting

another pro meeting =P
Here are the details:
Where: Croc Peninsula Treefort
When: 12:00 and 18:00 WST (Webosaurs Standard Time)
server: Prehistoric
P.S dont forget the funny pic contest! Gud luk guys!

-JemsterLol, Founder of cheatsgang.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I really like your blog!! Check mine out at ftballer.blogspot.com. I am a member of the KBS too and I think you should join our club! We just started and we're called the Kid Blogger Society. Its a bunch of us bloggers from different games that meet and throw parties at CampPete and get a ton of cool stuff! Check this out: kidbloggersociety.blogspot.com and tell me what u think. There arnt that many posts yet but we're new. If you want to join us email bloggers@camppete.com and ill send you the stuff to join! It's a lot of fun and theres really cool people that ull meet. Let me know what you think!
