Sunday, 26 September 2010

Panda FANG Going to be Released

Heya Dudes!

Rex has announced some Totally Bluggin Info!

Picture Credit to the Webosaurs Gang
The New Pet is Known as Panda Fang! Lol He Looks Totally Awesome!

I Hope you Guys Love this Pet! It Will be a Lot more Expensive becuase this is a New Pet! So Play some Games to earn them Coins!


Fall Catalogue is Here!

Heya Guys,
The Fall Catalogue is Heeerrree! Lol Check it out, it has some totally bluggin items!
Fall Catalogue
A New Fossil Magic Page has been Added!
Man This is Totally Awesomee! Also on the Catalogue it says the Fossil magic is 10 Coins Each! But they are supposed to be 1000 coins! Hurry up and buy them before Rex changes them to 1000 Coins!


Fossil Magic is Here

Heya Guys,
Fosssssillll Maggggiiiiccc is Heeeerrrrreeee! W00T! Check it Out!
Outside Fossil Magic Store!
Inside Fossil Magic Shop
Fossil Magic Icon
Fossil Magic Bar
Man This Totally Rocks! Each Special Fossil Magic is Worth 1000 Coins! Ill be sure to put a Fossil Magic Guide up in a Few Days!


Saturday, 25 September 2010

ChrisDog Concert!

Chrisdog hosted an awesome party on Webosaurs Island today! Taking all his fans to Sub Alpine Forest, we all rocked out at the MVA stage…. though things got a little out of hand when the Fossil Magic started flying!

Thanks to everyone who stopped by this awesome concert today. Share your stories about the parties, and maybe a few pictures, on the Webosaurs Forum! Just go to this thread here and tell us what you thought!

Remember, all you need to do is sign in with your regular Webosaurs username and password.

Also don’t forget that our pal Monkeydude is throwing a DJ party tomorrow in the Gushing Geyser. Be there or be a mammal!


MonkeyDude Partyin' in Webosaurs!

Heya Guys,

Tommorrow is the MonkeyDude Party! Just check the Graphic above for the Details! Well I hope to see you guys There!


Thursday, 23 September 2010

Chrisdog Party- Saturday

Heya Guys,
Webosaurs is hosting the first ever Webosaurs Music Video Awards, for short MVAs. The two weeks leading up to the event will have tons of decorations, festivals, and special events, including one for our website and our viewers!

We will be hosting a concert on Webosaurs! Everyone who comes is encouraged to bring their band or dance to the music with friends! You can now buy dance animations in the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker in Jungle Beach to dance at the parties. Webosaurs has also launched new electronic music, so bring your guitars!

Don’t have a guitar? Don’t worry, all who attend our party will get a special edition MVA guitar free!

You can’t miss this concert party! Here are the details to know where and when you can find us on Webosaurs:

Date: This Saturday, September 24th.
Time: 11:00AM Pacific, 1:00PM Central, 2:00PM Eastern
Room: Sub Alpine Forest
Server: Jurassic

At the party, many players will be playing the piano by clicking the keys and playing your own tune! Dinos can make their own music videos on the island and submit them to win an MVA trophy and be announced at the awards ceremony on October 2nd. Check out this article if you are interested in entering the MVA competition for an MVA trophy! You can submit your videos here!

If you need any more help getting used to Webosaurs, or are looking for a fun place to talk to other Webosaurs fans, check out their newly launched Webosaurs Forum! I look forward to seeing you all at our Webosaurs concert party on Saturday!

- Jemster

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

*EXCLUSIVE* Panda Fang!

Check out this EXCLUSIVE Picture of Panda Fang! It Looks Totally Bluggin! W0000t!
Picture Credit to (Blame) Melly
Webosaurs Have been Design Pet skins, and Panda Fang is One of dem! Woot! I can't wait! I Bagsied that Name that i made up as "The Ninja Strifer"


Fossil Majic Preview + Twitter Updates!

Heya Guys,
Just Reading my Tweets when, Rex gave out some Exclusive Info! And a SUPRISING IMAGE!
They are Gonna Add Panda Fang! Kool!

Man This Is Totally Awessomme! Fossil Majic is Gonna Come W00t! And in Celebration Rex has allowed us to Post how the Fossil Majic Place looks on the Outisde and in the Inside!

Dont They look Awesome I Cant wait till Fossil Majic Comes Out! Remeber:

  • One Can of Meja Mojo 50 Coins
  • 6 Pack of Mega Mojo 250 Coins
  • 18 Pack of Mega Mojo is 800 Coins

Party with Honrs - Members Only!

Deck out your cave with these bad boysAwww yeah, we throwin’ a member’s party! This Friday Horns is going to be hosting a sick dance party at the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker with the crazy DJ Utah. You may have heard some of DJ Utah’s tracks already around the Island and he’ll be spinning a live mix for you and Horns.

Horns is a generous dude (sometimes), and will be giving out party lights to everyone who comes to the party! Check the picture above. These strobe lights will turn your cave into your very own club.

So come kick it with Horns and Webosaurs peeps this Friday at the Bluggin’ Bunker in Jurassic server. Party starts at 17:00 WST. Are you ready to party??

- Jemster

New Modosaur + Easy Chat Updated!

Jemster Here dudes!
There is a New Modosaur in The Island of Webosaurs! Its ModosaurQuat

Welcome Quat! Be Sure to Welcome The New Modosaur!

Also The Easy Chat has been Updated again for the MVA's

Why add "Babby Babby Babby Ohhhhhh" Rex? Bieber Obsessed Rex!


Pro meeting Info + Neo is Back!

Heya Guys,
Here are some Information about the Pro Meeting...

  • Members only dance party this Friday-17:00WST in the Bluggin Beach Bunker with a free item for all who attend!
  • Chrisdog Party this Saturday
  • Monkeydude party this Sunday
  • Weboween will be this October
  • November is "Sports month"
 Credit goes to Ldude!

Do you guys Remember ModosaurNeo? He was he during the Beta Times!
Credit to EB!
Say Welcome if you see Him!


Sunday, 19 September 2010

Unlock the Dance Move!

Heya Guys!

Here is the Guide to Getting Dance Moves For Your Characte [Members Only]

Step 1.
Click the Map Icon then Click Jungle Beach on The Map!

Step 2.
Go to the Beach Bunker
Step 3.
Walk Left and Click on The "Click Here" Sign
Step 4.
Click the Tick and You Will recieve Your Dance Action!
Click the actions Button Then Click the Dance Button! W00t! Now you have Unlocked the Dance Action!


Saturday, 18 September 2010

Webosaurs MVA's 2010 Decos are UP!

Heya Guys!
Check out the Saweeet MVA Decos! They are Totally Bluggin!
Gushing Geyser (Click to Enlarge)
Croc Peninsula (click to Enlarge)
Forest Floor (Click to Enlarge)
Sub-Alpine Forest (Click to Enlarge)
Sanoran Sands (Click to Enlarge)
Dont they Look Totally Awessommmee? Kool Init? I think that The Mva Decorations are the Best Decorations Yet!


Friday, 17 September 2010

Webosaurs MVA's 2010

The Webosaurs Music Video Awards (MVAs) are finally upon us! Starting Friday, the Island is going to be decorated like crazy for this TWO WEEK Music Festival! That’s not the only thing coming:
  • Crazy parties featuring the Webosaurs dinos and Celebrity guest parties!
  • Brand New Dance Animations you can buy in Jungle Beach
  • Submit your best Music Videos on Webosaurs Island for the chance to win a 2010 MVA trophy award!
We’re going to be taking your submissions for the MVAs on the Webosaurs Forum. Make a music video with your friends and shoot in on Webosaurs Island. Add your submission on the Forum to be eligible to win one of the coveted MVA trophies in many different categories.

To help you make some killer music videos, we’ve added Dance Animations to buy in the Bluggin’ Beach Bunker in Jungle Beach. These dances will be for member’s only so pick one up if you don’t have one already!

Celebrity guests and special parties will be happening throughout the MVAs so be sure to check the blog often for announcements of all these crazy events. We’ll be giving away cool cave items and partying hard!

 The Official Webosaurs MVAs will happen on October 2nd so get those videos submitted on the Forum as soon as you can!


Thursday, 16 September 2010

Scavenger Hunt Cheats

Sorry about the Lateness Guys! Here are the Scav Hunt cheats for "BBQ Time"

1. Gushing Geyser– Mio
2. Bucklands Peak– Quetzalcoatlus
3. Dino Dunes– Art Shack
4. Voodoo Hideaway(Soggy Bottom Swamp)– Argentinosaurus
5. Camposaurus Canvas Tent(Sub Alpine Forest)– Patagonian Power Lifting
6. Forest Floor– Edmarka’s Town Store
7. Tonto Plateau– Sauroposeidon
8. Carniverous Cavern– Stokeosaurus Town Store
9. Croc Peninsula– Gushing Geyser
10. Hillside Canopy– Moschops
11. Webo Ridge- Yes
12. Soggy Bottom Swamp- Tacos
Credit to Sludge


Webopalooza Party

You might have heard the rumors swirling around Webosaurs Island that there’s going to be an epic party this Saturday to kick off the MVAs (There will be more information coming soon about the MVAs, but they are going to be Music Video Awards for videos that YOU DINOS make, so get your thinking caps on). Well, it’s true, there is going to be an epic party this Saturday. We knew we wanted to have a concert, there was just one problem… Everyone wanted to perform, Rexxy, Horns, Pterry and Stretch all wanted a piece of the spotlight and their own stage! So there was only one logical thing to do right? Build four stages, well, that’s exactly what we did. That’s right, come on down to Webosaurs Island on Saturday for Webo-pallooza the

MVAs Kick-off party and see each of your four favorite characters rocking out in the Geyser, Sub Alpine Forest, Croc. Peninsula and Sonoran Sands.

Webopallooza is just the beginning. MVA decorations will be up all over Webosaurs Island for two weeks until the actual MVAs on October 2nd, it’s going to be a non-stop party, so I hope you’re ready!

Oh waitttt, did I mention the sick giveaway item that you’ll get at the party? Oh, whoops, well that’s right everyone who comes to Webopallooza will receive this beautiful MVA guitar. Yee haw!

Webopallooza MVAs Kick-off starts at 12:00 noon WST on the Jurassic Server.

Forum button Updated

Heya Guys,
Due to the release of the OFFICAL Webosaurs Forum, Webosaurs have Updated the Forum Button
Do you think There are to many Buttons? Comment Now!


Saturday, 11 September 2010

Brand New Scavenger Hunt Items?

Heya Dudeasaurus'
I was Having a Look at the Test Site When I Saw Some New Cave Items! Maybe they could be Future Scavenger Hunt Items! Check dem Out!
There Kool Init? Lol I cant Wait for dem to Come out! Wow a Statue of a Fossilised Trex as a Gift for Rex? Lol!

MVA Art Contest!

Heya Guys

There is a Message from Rex about the MVA's

So many of you have heard the rumblings…. the Webosaurs Music Video Awards (MVAs) are coming up very very soon. We don’t have any details to give out just yet, but we are making final tweaks to the new decorations!

As part of the decorations, we’d like to feature YOUR ART! We’ll be picking 10-15 pieces of fan art to display on a screen in the Island during the MVAs.

Your submissions must be:
* At least 300 pixels wide (rectangular shapes preferred or we might have to crop
* No copyright images
* Either in PNG or JPG format
* Submitted on THIS THREAD on the Webosaurs Forum as an attachment, not a link

We’d love to see some MVA related pictures, but you are free to do other things if you like. Here is a sample of what the MVA logo (besides the one above) looks like:

Picture Credit to Sludge
Hope that helps you with some ideas! Remember that you must log in to the Forum with your regular username and password. Can’t wait to see your art.


Monday, 6 September 2010

Webosaurs Forum Released!

Heya Dudes,
The Webosaurs Forum Has Now been OFFICALLY Released! W00t! Check it Out!
It Looks Totally Awesome! There are Secret Sections which Blogosaurs and Protectosaurs can Access
I certainly Like this Forum. Do You?


More Miniclip Webosaurs Banners

Heya Dudasaurus'

Check Out the Sawweeet Miniclip Banners, which have Been released Recently.

Picture Courtesy of Sludge
Lol Guys These look Totally Awesome!


Please Ignore

Hey guys,
Please Ignore the Irresponsible and  Stupid Message Left By someone Who has Secretly Accessed My Account, Please accept my Deepest and Sincere Apology for What Ever that Person has Written. Also I will Not Be Quitting Webosaurs, Which was another Message Left by that Person


Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Scaveneger Hunt Cheats 01/01/10

1.  Gushing Geyser: Two
2. Soggy-Bottom Swamp: Mauisaurus
3. Sub-Alpine Forest: Hatzegotpteryx
4. Buckland's Peak: Megalodon
5. Stokeosaurus Town Store- Sanoran Sands: Therizinosaurus
6. Tree Fort- Croc Peninsula: Isisaurus
7. Edmarka's Town Store- Gushing Geyser: Utahraptor
8. Supersaurus Den- Forest Floor: Ankylosaurus

Congratulations You have Earned the Rocket Fountain! Kool Eh? I think this is The BEST Webosaurs Item Ever, What do you Think? Leave a Comment!
